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姓名: 张禹
职称: 副教授
最高学历: 研究生
最高学位: 博士
主页: zy26.github.io
Email: zy26@jlu.edu.cn


讲授课程: C#、.NET、Python、数学建模、计算方法、机器学习、生物信息学、计算生物学等。
教育经历: (1) 2003-09 至 2006-06, 西汉姆联必威登录, 计算数学, 博士
(2) 2001-09 至 2003-07, 西汉姆联必威登录, 计算数学, 硕士
(3) 1997-09 至 2001-07, 西汉姆联必威登录, 计算数学及其应用软件, 学士
工作经历: (1) 2017-09 至 今, 西汉姆联必威登录, 必威西汉姆体育官网, 副教授
(2) 2018-07 至 2019-07, 美国印第安纳大学医学院, 医学和分子遗传学系, 访问学者
(3) 2007-12 至 2013-09, 西汉姆联必威登录, 计算机科学与技术博士后流动站, 博士后
(4) 2006-07 至 2017-09, 西汉姆联必威登录, 必威西汉姆体育官网, 讲师
(5) 2011-07 至 2012-07, 美国佐治亚大学, 生物化学与分子生物学系, 访问学者
科研项目: 近五年主持或参加的国家自然科学基金项目/课题:
(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 61972175, 基于双聚类算法在癌症药物筛选及临床转录组数据上的代偿性耐药机制研究, 2020-01-01 至 2023-12-31, 59万元, 在研, 主持
(2) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 61872418, 基于多维度组学数据的肿瘤标志物识别与挖掘方法研究, 2019-01-01 至 2022-12-31, 63万元, 在研, 参与
(3) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 61772227, 蛋白质结合位点多结构比对与结构搜索方法研究, 2018-01-01 至 2021-12-31, 62万元, 在研, 参与
获奖情况: 获全国商业科技进步一等奖1项、三等奖1项

Recent Publications

M3S: A comprehensive model selection for multi-modal single-cell RNA sequencing data Y Zhang, C Wan, P Wang, W Chang, Y Huo, J Chen, Q Ma, S Cao, … BMC Bioinformatics 20 (Suppl 24), 672 1 2019

QUBIC2: a novel and robust biclustering algorithm for analyses and interpretation of large-scale RNA-Seq data J Xie, A Ma, Y Zhang, B Liu, S Cao, C Wang, J Xu, C Zhang, Q Ma Bioinformatics 36 (4), 1143–1149 5* 2019

LTMG: a novel statistical modeling of transcriptional expression states in single-cell RNA-Seq data C Wan, W Chang, Y Zhang, F Shah, X Lu, Y Zang, A Zhang, S Cao, … Nucleic acids research 47 (18), e111-e111 3 2019

A new deconvolution algorithm for accurate assessing immune and stromal cell populations in mouse transcriptomic data X Lu, S Tu, W Chang, Y Huo, P Wang, Y Zhang, C Zhang, S Cao Cancer Research 79 (13 Supplement), 2453-2453 2019

A semi-supervised approach for cell phenotypic and functional estimation in tissue microenvironment W Chang, C Wan, Y Zhang, K So, B Richardson, Y Sun, X Zhang, … bioRxiv, 426593 1 2019

Multi-label deep learning for gene function annotation in cancer pathways R Guan, X Wang, MQ Yang, Y Zhang, F Zhou, C Yang, Y Liang Scientific reports 8 (1), 267 10 2018

ICTD: Inference of cell types and deconvolution–a next-generation deconvolution method for accurate assess cell population and activities in tumor microenvironment. W Chang, C Wan, Y Zhang, K So, B Richardson, Y Sun, X Zhang, … bioRxiv, 426593 1 2018

MRHCA: a nonparametric statistics based method for hub and co-expression module identification in large gene co-expression network Y Zhang, S Cao, J Zhao, B Alsaihati, Q Ma, C Zhang Quantitative Biology 6 (1), 40-55 2 2018

QUBIC: a bioconductor package for qualitative biclustering analysis of gene co-expression data Y Zhang, J Xie, J Yang, A Fennell, C Zhang, Q Ma Bioinformatics 33 (3), 450-452 42 2017

RNA-TVcurve: a Web server for RNA secondary structure comparison based on a multi-scale similarity of its triple vector curve representation Y Li, X Shi, Y Liang, J Xie, Y Zhang, Q Ma BMC bioinformatics 18 (1), 51 6 2017

Analyzing gene expression time-courses based on multi-resolution shape mixture model Y Li, Y He, Y Zhang Mathematical Biosciences 281, 74-81 2016

Comprehensive characterization of the genomic alterations in human gastric cancer J Cui, Y Yin, Q Ma, G Wang, V Olman, Y Zhang, WC Chou, CS Hong, … International Journal of Cancer 137 (1), 86-95 47 2015

Bridger: a new framework for de novo transcriptome assembly using RNA-seq data Z Chang, G Li, J Liu, Y Zhang, C Ashby, D Liu, CL Cramer, X Huang Genome biology 16 (1), 30 172 2015

CINPER: An Interactive Web System for Pathway Prediction for Prokaryotes X Mao, X Chen, Y Zhang, S Pangle, Y Xu PloS one 7 (12), e51252 6 2012

SEAS: A system for SEED-based pathway enrichment analysis X Mao, Y Zhang, Y Xu PloS one 6 (7), e22556 5 2011

Analysis of gene expression data based on density and biological knowledge X Zhou, H Sun, DP Wang, Y Zhang, Y Zhou Frontier of Computer Science and Technology (FCST), 2010 Fifth International … 1 2010

Gender Classification with Support Vector Machines Based on Non-tensor Pre-wavelets L Ying, Z Yu, Z Shishun Computer Research and Development, 2010 Second International Conference on … 3 2010