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    1. 分析算法所用的基本方法和技巧;

    2. 一些设计算法的基本策略以及一些算法正确性证明方法;

    3. 对于给定的、较为简单的实际问题能够写出的算法;

    4. 能够给出算法时间和空间的复杂性分析。




Introduction to the courseDesign and Analysis of Algorithms

The course “Design and Analysis of Algorithms” is an important obligatory course for the major of computer science and technology. The course introduces the basic strategy of design algorithms. Based on the practical problems in the computer science and applications, it systematically presents the basic design approach of the computer algorithm and analyzes the temporal and spatial order of magnitude of every algorithm. By studying this course, the students can get the following knowledge and abilities.

  1. Basic methods and skills of analyzing the algorithms.

  2. Basic algorithms design strategy and some correctness validation approaches.

  3. Write the algorithm for some given and relatively simple problems.

  4. Analyze the temporal and spatial order of magnitude of algorithms.

  This course focuses on cultivating the students’ thinking ability and combines the theory and practice. It will use the theory interpretation and case study together to teach and aims at cultivating and improving the students’ ability of analyzing and solving the problems. After finishing study, the students could think further about the practical application problems and present the solution.

  The course will be taught in the second semester of the second academic year, which includes 48 hours. Its prerequisite courses include high-level programming, data structure. Assignments Guidance course will be given separately which includes 8 hours.