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统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language, UML)是对象管理组织制定的一个通用的、可视化的建模语言标准,可以用来可视化、描述、构造和文档化软件密集型系统的各种工件。




Introduction to the courseUnified Modeling Language Modeling Technology and Application

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a general and visual modeling language standard made by the Object Management Group (OMG). It can be used to visualize, specify, construct, and document the artifacts of a software intensive system.

The course “Unified Modeling Language Modeling Technology and Application” is an optional course for the major of computer science and technology. The course aims at teaching students to grasp the grammars and semantics of UML, to model object-oriented systems by using tools (such as ROSE, RSA, etc) correctly in accordance with unified object-oriented development process (such as RUP), and to promote the students’ ability for object-oriented analysis and design.

The main content of the course includes object technology, object-orientation method and concepts, principles and value of visual modeling, RUP, the meanings and usages of UML elements, relations and diagrams, use-case analysis, object-oriented analysis and design, etc.

The course will be taught in the first semester of the fourth academic year, which includes 32 hours. Its prerequisite courses include Object-Oriented Programming and Software Engineering.