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The introduction of course ---Wireless Sensor Networks B

The Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is one of the core technologies of Internet of things.

This course will introduce the development of WSN, system structure, architecture, communication protocol, supporting technology and application technologies. The focus is on the key technologies for design and development of wireless sensor networks, different solutions for different real-world problems, the logical relations between different protocols, and the applicable conditions of each protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks.

Through this course, students will understand and master as follow: single-node architecture, network architecture, physical layer and hardware, MAC layer, link layer, topology control methods,routing,naming and addressing, time synchronization, localization and positioning, data-centric and content-based networking, and advanced application support.

Study of this course makes students to grasp the basic theory and knowledge of WSN, and improve the ability to analyze the questions and solve problems, and lay a solid foundation for future theoretical research and practical application.