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软件项目管理的方法和技能,对软件项目的成败有着举足轻重的作用。由美国卡内基梅隆大学软件工程研究所(SEI)开发研制的CMM(Capability Maturity Model for Software,软件能力成熟度模型),作为一种广泛应用于评估和改进组织的软件开发过程的模型,是现在非常盛行的软件企业实现系统管理的一种理论,该模型可以用于评估软件开发单位的软件成熟度级别,也可以用于开发单位自我评价,了解自己的优势和不足,从而达到持续地改进单位的软件开发过程、保证软件质量、降低成本、提高软件开发效率的目的。





Introduction to the course“Software Project Management”


The methods and skills of software project management play important roles for successful software projects. CMM (Capability Maturity Model for Software) which is developed by SEI of Carnegie Mellon University is a widely used model to assess and improve the organization's software process. It is now a very popular theory to help software enterprises achieve standard management. This model could be used to assess the Capability Maturity of a software development organization. The organizations also can use it to assess themselves to get their advantages and drawbacks, consequently to achieve the purpose of improving the organization's software process, assuring the software quality, reducing the cost and increasing the efficiency of software development.

The course “Software Project Management” is an important specialized elective course of computer science and technology. The course aims at teaching students to grasp basic theory, basic method and basic techniques in software project management, as well as the abilities to understand, control and manage the software process. Additionally, it also could improve the students' capabilities of reading and writing technical documents, standards, specification and guidelines.

The main content of the course includes three parts. The first part includes the CMM evolution, the basic concept of software capability maturity, the model structure, and how to apply this model. The second part introduces the key practices of CMM, which explains that how to improve the software process and practice. The third part briefly describes the software engineering economics in project management.

The course will be taught in the second semester of the third academic year, which includes 32 hours. Its prerequisite course is software engineering.