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Introduction to the course "Secure Programming"


"Secure Programming" is one of the Obligatory courses for the major of computer science and technology (network and information security), it brings to students the core concepts, knowledge and theories of secure programming, improve the students’ abilities to analyzing and solving the problems. By this course, the students need to understand the basic process of secure programming, the basic skills of writing secure codes and the technologies of preventing attacks to the applications.

This course contains: the basic process and rules to writing secure programs, the technologies of threat modeling, buffer overflow, socket programming, socket security, concurrence security, how to give the application the appropriate accesses control lists, how to give the application the minimum priorities, how to prevent the DoS attacks, developing the Shellcodes and Exploits.

This course starts at 2nd semester of 3rd academic year, 32 academic hours in all. Its prerequisite courses are: Assembly Language programming, Principles of Computer Organization, Operating System, Computer Security and Network Security.