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The introduction of course ---Data Structures


Data structure is one of the most important fundamental courses for specialty of computer science and technology, it is essential for students to learn further and make academic research. The data structure course of College of Computer Science and Technology in Jilin University is not only a brand course, but also has significant impact on the domestic counterparts, and it has high reputation. This course was selected as the first batch of  National Excellent Courses.

Data structure curriculum has the following features: using two languages (​ADL and C++) to describe the algorithm; algorithms and data structures are tightly coupled; the typical algorithms are presented time complexity analysis, and the proof of the correctness for some issues about algorithms; exploring to introduce scientific research into teaching content; increased with the relevant background, history and references to important knowledge.

Data structures course includes 72 class hours for theory, 32 class hours for the experiment, and 36 class hours for curriculum design. The theory courses presents the main knowledge of the data structure; while training students to use algorithmic language and object-oriented programming language to develop clear, correct, easy to read, efficient algorithms and programs, as well as make analysis of space-time complexity for the algorithm and correctness proof for the algorithm. Experimental courses focus on training students to design algorithms, compile and debug the programs, curriculum design course emphasizes Comprehensive usage of of the data structure.

The course of data structure presents concepts, principles and techniques of data structure, the main contents include: Introduction, basic data structure, sorting, searching and memory management, related tools and files.

The course is organized as follows: The first chapter introduces the basic concepts of data structures and algorithms, algorithm description language and writing specifications,  algorithm analysis and correctness proof; Chapter 2 to 5 are basic data structures, such as linear tables, stacks and queues, arrays and strings, trees and binary tree, graph structure, etc.; Chapter 7 to 9 discuss sorting algorithms, search and memory management and other aspects from the perspective of algorithm, present several typical algorithm, time complexity analysis and comparison of related algorithms; Chapter 6 and 11 present recursion and random number; Chapter 10 introduces a complex data structure: file.