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1. 了解Web应用的基础概念;

2. 掌握目前Web应用安全的全景;

3. 了解Web应用中客户和服务器存在的安全威胁;

4. 了解数据库应用中存在的安全威胁;

5. 通过了解和掌握所学知识,为从事相关应用研究奠定良好的基础。


The introduction of course “Web Application Security”

Web Application Security is an optional practice course of Network and information Security; this course is designed to meet the growing Web security requirements, which is a practical courses. By learning related security technologies, make students to understand a variety of security threats in Web era, and take the corresponding security mechanism against these threats.

Through this course, students will learn:

1. Understand the basic concepts of the Web application;

2. Master the panoramic view of the current Web application security;

3. Understanding of security threats of the client and server in the Web application;

4. To understand security threats that exist in the database application;

5. By understanding and mastering related knowledge, make students to establish a good foundation for the future application of web security.

Course content is widely used in many fields. Through learning of this course, we expect that students should master the basic theory and knowledge of Web application security. What's more, students should have the ability to analyze the practical problems and design the solutions.