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自2008年以来,基于Java语言的Android系统迅速普及。2013年5月份,根据市场调研公司Gartner的数据显示,Android操作系统在全球智能手机操作系统占有率中的由去年同期的56.9%直线飙升至74.4%,并仍在提升。同时,基于Android 平台的行业应用需求也不断涌现,因而对Android 开发人员的人才需求急剧增加。本课程能使员工掌握Android 系统开发的基本方法和流程,从而为员工深入学习Android 高级开发奠定坚实基础,有利于广老员工拓展就业途径,具有良好的社会效益前景。

本课程主要介绍Android 系统开发的基本方法,包括Android 系统开发环境的介绍,GUI 基本控件以及如何进行数据交互、存储等,满足课堂教学和初步实际操作需求。在此基础上,进一步引入一些高级课题,包括对于外围设备的控制以及使用C/C++开发高效代码等。完成本课程后,员工应能掌握Android 系统中软件开发的基本流程,并能编写一些简单的Android 基本应用程序,为今后进一步深入学习Android 高级开发和适应相应实际工作打下坚实基础。

The introduction of course

“Android Software Development”

Android system is based on Java language and becomes more and more popular rapidly since 2008. Up to May 2013, according to the statistical data from the market research company Gartner, Android operating system’s market share rose from 56.9% to 74.4% in the global smart phone operating system market since last year, and is still promoting. In the same time, the market requirements of Android-based applications are expanding too, which couple with increasing of the requirement of Android application developers. The aim of Android Software Development course is teaching students to master basic Android system development methods and processes. By learning this course, students may lay a solid foundation for studying Android advanced development further. It can help students to expand the approaches of employment with a good social prospect.

This course introduces the basic concepts and methods of Android system development, including the introduction of the development environment of Android, basic activities of GUI, exchange between data and storage, and so on. Besides meeting the requirement of class teaching and preliminary practical operations, this course will further introduce some advanced subjects, such as controlling peripheral devices and developing efficient codes with C/C++, and so on. At the end of this course, student should be able to master the basic process of software development in Android system, and program some simple Android applications, which will lay a solid foundation for the students to study Android advanced development further and obtain more opportunities in real corresponding practical works.