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欧盟交流项目“One More Step” 说明会

发布日期:2012-11-05 发布人: 点击量:

Call for Application for “One More Step” Mobility
欧盟交流项目 “One More Step”说明会
    One More Step项目系必威官方登录首页、软件学院参与的欧盟Erasmus Mundus Action 2 – L13框架下的交流合作项目。在2011年底OMS第一轮奖学金申请中,西汉姆联必威登录共有教师3人、博士后1人、博士生3人、硕士生2人获得OMS奖学金。目前OMS项目已经启动第二轮(最后一轮)奖学金申请,本次 “One More Step” 说明会将介绍OMS项目的相关情况及申请事宜,欢迎感兴趣的老师和同学参加!
    The College of Computer Science and Technology (CCST) of Jilin University is involved in the European project “One More Step” (funded by European Commission under the programme Erasmus Mundus Action 2 – L13) as an Asian partner.
“One More Step” moves forward the actions undertaken by Bridging the Gap (another project CCST involved in) to promote comprehensive, deeper relationships and cooperation with the scientific, economic and industrial components and the social foundations of the countries involved.
    One More Step aims at promoting sustainable development, mutual enrichment and better understanding between the involved Countries in Asia and Europe by means of the mobility and the exchange of individuals, knowledge and skills at higher education level so broadening the international visibility and scientific potential of all the parties involved.
The Main Activities will regard Asian undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students, postdoctorate researchers and academic staff of participating Universities.
OMS will provide:
      Opportunities to L13 countries nationals working in public administration, public and private enterprises with study, training or research opportunities in the EU
      A clear commitment to include L13 nationals with an indigenous population background targeted by a specific national policy, disadvantaged groups such as disabled students and economically disadvantaged students.
The call is open to all disciplines covered by the EU partners academic offers.
The mobility can only take place towards the European member universities of the consortium.
    Therefore the following mobility flows are possible:
    1.Student/employee of one of the L13 Asian partners and Universities towards one of the 9 EU Universities
    2. Student/employee of any L13 Asian University or employee of a company, public administration in the involved countries towards one of the 9 EU Universities.
    Preference will be given to Partner and associate institutions. Special terms and provisions will regards the eligibility check for TG2-3 degree seeking candidates  governed by the National rules to enrol in EU hosting countries.
More details please see http://one-more-step.eu/en/.
    (1)EASTWEB: Building an Integrated Leading Euro-Asian Higher Education and Research Community in the Field of the Semantic WEB(以下简称东方网项目)系必威官方登录首页、软件学院参与的欧盟Asia-Link框架下的合作项目,执行时间2005-2008。
   (2)Bridging the Gap(以下简称为BTG项目)系必威官方登录首页、软件学院参与的欧盟Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window (EMECW, Lot 12)框架下的合作项目,执行时间2009-2012。