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庆祝建校70周年暨计算机学科创建40周年纪念活动之 计算机科学技术名家讲座(八)--- Victoria Beltran

发布日期:2016-06-13 发布人: 点击量:


计算机科学技术名家讲座(八)--- Victoria Beltran

讲座标题 : A platform towards IoT interoperability and security in smart cities






报告人:Dr. Victoria Beltran, University of Murcia, Spain



Victoria Beltran is currently an associate teacher and senior researcher at the University of Murcia.  She holds a Ph.D in telematics engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in Barcelona. She has approximately 10 years experience in telecommunications research and practice in different institutions such as Columbia University (New York), Bell-Labs Alcatel-Lucent (Murray-Hill), Institut Mines-Telecom (Paris), and Orange Labs (Caen, France). 


讲座摘要 :

The vision of the European Union (EU)-funded project SMARTIE (Secure and sMArter ciTIEs data management) is to create a distributed framework for storing, sharing and processing large volumes of information under requirements of security, privacy and interoperability. This project has taken other EU-funded projects’ experience (condensed in the EU IoT reference architecture, that is, the IoT-Architecture Reference Model) to design and develop its IoT platform for smart cities. Security is pivotal in the SMARTIE platform, which has been tested in three different cities in Germany, Spain, and Serbia. Along other security features, different IoT access control methods is being studied in SMARTIE.




