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发布日期:2016-10-31 发布人: 点击量:

讲座题目:Close Collaboration between Communications and Computation(通信和计算的紧密协同)




主讲人简介Kun Yang (杨鲲) obtained his PhD from the Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering of University College London , UK, and his MSc and BSc degrees were both from Jilin University. He is currently a Chair Professor and the Head of Network Convergence Laboratory in the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex, UK. Before joining in the University of Essex at 2003, he worked at UCL on several EU research projects such as FAIN, MANTRIP, CONTEXT in the area of IP network management, active networks and context-aware services. Now his main research interests focus on heterogeneous wireless networks, future Internet architecture and its enabling technologies such as network virtualization, software defined networking, information centric networking, etc. He has published more than 80 journal papers and books, in addition to 80+ major conference papers. He manages research projects funded by EU FP7/H2020, EPSRC, and industries such as British Telecom. He serves on the editorial boards of both IEEE and non-IEEE journals.

内容简介:目前的移动互联网还不能支持触觉/味觉等的传输和再现,包括目前火热的5G移动通信技术。本讲座将从触觉5G(Tactile 5G)出发,介绍通信与计算进行紧密(而不是目前的松耦合或不耦合)协同的必要性,然后给出一种融合通信和计算的新一代移动网络架构(包括移动边缘计算和云化的无线接入网)。并在此基础上给出一个实现该融合的实验平台和一个联合计算和通信的资源分配算法。讲座通俗易懂。 







