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计算机科学技术专家讲座(十七)- Casimir A. Kulikowski

发布日期:2017-08-21 发布人: 点击量:

报告题目:Next Generation Artificial Intelligence: Hype, Hope, Metaphor, and Scale(下一代人工智能:浮夸,希望,比喻和规模)

报告时间:2017年8月29日 上午8:30


报告人:美国科学院院士 Casimir Kulikowski 教授


  Casimir Kulikowski,美国罗格斯大学计算机科学系理事会教授,美国科学院院士,国际著名人工智能和生物医学信息学专家,IEEE fellow、AAAI fellow、AAAS fellow、国际医学信息学会(IMIA)会士、美国医学信息学院(AAMI)院士、美国医学和生物工程研究所(AIMBE)会士。Kulikowski教授在其研究领域著有300多篇学术论文和多本专著。主要学术活动:国际医学信息学会副主席,IMIA医学信息学年鉴主编,医学与人工智能杂志副主编,国际软件信息学期刊(IJSI)编委等等。


  Today’s Artificial Intelligence is building a bubble of expectations based on the promises that Big Data, analyzed through Deep Learning, will solve a large percentage of the technical, scientific, and even every-day predictive problems faced by people. This beguiling vision is, unfortunately, more hype than reasonable hope. Complex human-machine systems, like those in biomedicine, require that the vision and sensory processing that humans use in forming their embodied cognition has to be modeled computationally much differently than how we do it now – using language, and visual metaphor to interpret and reason with the assumptions behind multiple analytical and learning models at different scales and levels of abstraction, employing a range of different grounded, context-specific processing methods and implementations.



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