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计算机科学技术专家讲座(十九)- 李锋

发布日期:2017-10-19 发布人: 点击量:


报告时间: 2017年 10月 20日14:00

报告地点: 计算机大楼A521

报告人:李  锋  Department of Computer Science,Quebec University

       魁北克大学计算机科学系 副教授



1982-1986 必威官方登录首页 本科学习

1986-1989 必威官方登录首页 硕士研究生

1989-2002 加拿大多伦多大学计算机系 博士学习

2002-现在 加拿大魁北克大学计算机科学系 工作,副教授




  The information technology is developed rapidly in the past two, thirty years of science and technology, usually refers to the computer and communication technology support with collection and storage, processing, transmission and display technology which various media information. The paper expounds the impact of information technology on Information Industry and information industry to technology intensive industry, the development of information industry, information industry and other information from the face of the market economy has become an important factor in the social productivity of the first, and put forward the development of information industry in accordance with the needs of the information society, with the development of information industry and information industry structure integration, computer communication and information, the combination of the three development of information industry, strengthen the theory and discipline construction in the information industry and suggestions.


主办单位: 必威官方登录首页


