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发布日期:2013-03-26 发布人: 点击量:

题目:Belief Revision in Possibilistic Logic and Its Application to Ontology Mapping。

报告人:漆桂林    东南大学计算机科学与工程学院教授,东南大学万维网科学研究所副主任,博士生导师
报告摘要:An intelligent agent often confronts the problem of revising her beliefs upon learning new information. This problem is called belief revision and has attracted much attention in many areas, such as Artificial Intelligence, Databases, and Semantic Web. Possibilistic logic is a weighted logic which is flexible for dealing with both inconsistency and uncertainty. It is closely related to belief revision and nonmonotonic logics. Belief revision in possibilistic logic plays an important role in the theory of iterated belief revision. In this talk, I will present some of our recent work on belief revision in possibilistic logic. I first present an iterative approach to revising knowledge bases in possibilistic logic. I then give a conflict-based revision approach in possibilistic logic. To show the usefulness of our work, I will discuss how belief revision in possibilistic logic is useful to deal with the problem of mapping repair, which is important to improve the quality of ontology mapping.
报告人简介:漆桂林,东南大学计算机科学与工程学院教授,东南大学万维网科学研究所副主任,博士生导师。中国计算机学会会员,ACM会员。2009年入选东南大学青年教团队助计划。曾经是英国人工智能协会会员和美国人工智能进展协会会员。是语义Web顶级杂志Journal of Web Semantics的编委会成员,是Journal of Advances in Artificial Intelligence的副主编。主编了国际著名人工智能杂志 Annals of mathematics and Artificial Intelligence的一个特别期刊。担任多个国际会议和研讨会的程序委员会成员,同时是多个国际顶级杂志 (Artificial Intelligence Journal 等)的审稿人。