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姓名: 彭涛
职称: 教授
最高学历: 研究生
最高学位: 博士
Email: tpeng@jlu.edu.cn
所在学科专业: 计算机软件与理论


讲授课程: 《自然语言处理》()
教育经历: 2007.6 毕业于必威官方登录首页获博士学位
工作经历: 2007.6-       必威官方登录首页
2012.5-2013.5 美国University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign计算机系博士后










  • Ridong Han, Tao Peng*, Jiayu Han, Hai Cui, Lu Liu. Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction via Recursive Hierarchy-Interactive Attention and Entity-Order Perception. Neural Networks, 152: 191-200, 2022. (SCI) (CCF推荐期刊)

  • Yue Zhang, Tao Peng (通讯作者), Ridong Han, Jiayu Han, Lin Yue, Lu Liu. Synchronously Tracking Entities and Relations in a Syntax-Aware Parallel Architecture for Aspect-Opinion Pair Extraction. Applied Intelligence. Published Online 2022. DOI: 10.1007/s10489-022-03286-w. (SCI) (CCF推荐期刊)

  • Feng Xiao, Lu Liu, Jiayu Han, Degui Guo, Shang Wang, Hai Cui and Tao Peng (通讯作者). Meta-learning for few-shot time series forecasting. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 43: 325-341, 2022.

  • Wenfei Hu, Lu Liu, Yupeng Sun, Yu Wu, Zhicheng Liu, Ruixin Zhang, Tao Peng(通讯作者). NLIRE: A Natural Language Inference Method for Relation Extraction. Journal of Web Semantics. 72: 100686. 2022. (SCI) (CCF推荐期刊)

  • Tao Peng, Ridong Han, Hai Cui, Lin Yue, Jiayu Han, Lu Liu. Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction using Global Hierarchy Embeddings and Local Probability Constraints. Knowledge-Based Systems. 235: 107637. 2022. (SCI) (CCF推荐期刊,中科院一区)

  • 王乃钰,叶育鑫,刘露,凤丽洲,包铁,彭涛(通讯作者). 基于深度学习的语言模型研究进展[J]. 软件学报,2021,32(04):1082-1115.

  • Hai Cui, Tao Peng (共同一作), Lizhou Feng, Tie Bao, Lu Liu. Simple Question Answering over Knowledge Graph Enhanced by Question Pattern Classification. Knowledge and Information Science. 63(10): 2741-2761, 2021. (SCI) (CCF 推荐期刊)

  • 彭涛,韩日东,包铁,崔海. 一种基于关系层级交互的远程监督关系抽取方法及系统. 中国,公开号:CN113486180A.公开日:2021.10.08.

  • 王磊, 刘露, 牛亮, 胡封晔, 彭涛(通讯作者). 基于关系触发词与单层GRU模型的关系抽取方法[J]. 西汉姆联必威登录学报(理学版), 2020, 58(1): 95-103.

  • 刘露, 胡封晔,牛亮,彭涛(通讯作者). 异质网络中基于节点影响力的相似度度量方法. 电子学报, 47(9): 1926-1936, 2019. (EI)

  • 彭涛,崔海,包铁,韩日东,于洪江. 一种智能问答方法和系统. 中国, 公开号:CN110399457A. 公开日:2019.11.01.

  • 彭涛,包铁,葛亮,周世奇,刘露. 一种面向汽车领域知识图谱的构建方法及系统. 中国,公开号:CN110245239A. 公开日:2019.09.17

  • Lu Liu, Wanli Zuo, Jiayu Han, Tao Peng(通讯作者). DEDSC: A Domain Expert Discovery Method Based on Structure and Content. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 26(4): 583-599, 2018. (SCI) (CCF 推荐期刊)

  • Lu Liu, Wanli Zuo, Tao Peng(通讯作者). A Reliability and Link Analysis Based Method for Mining Domain Experts in Dynamic Social Networks. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 34(4): 2061-2073, 2018. (SCI)

  • 彭涛, 杨妮亚, 徐原博, 王冰冰, 刘露. 双类型异质网中基于排序和聚类的离群点检测方法.电子学报, 46(2): 281-288, 2018.(EI)

  • 谢文慧, 易荣庆, 彭涛(通讯作者). 基于键盘距离和依存分析的拼写纠错方法[J]. 西汉姆联必威登录学报(理学版), 2018, 56(5): 1179-1186.

  • 杨妮亚(指导的研究生), 彭涛, 刘露. 基于聚类和决策树的链路预测方法. 计算机研究与发展, 54(8): 1795-1803, 2017. (EI)

  • 王岩(指导的研究生),彭涛,韩佳育,刘露. 一种基于密度的分布式聚类方法. 软件学报,28(11): 2836-2850, 2017. (EI).

  • Lu Liu, Wanli Zuo, Tao Peng(通讯作者). Structure2Content: An Incremental Method for Detecting Outlier Correlation in Heterogeneous Network. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. 27(7): 1013-1032, 2017. (SCI)(CCF 推荐期刊)

  • Lin Guo, Wanli Zuo, Tao Peng. Inference Network Building and Movements Prediction Based on Analysis of Induced Dependencies. IET SOFTWARE, 11(1): 12-17, FEB 2017. (SCI) (CCF 推荐期刊)

  • Lu Liu, Wanli Zuo, Tao Peng*, Detecting outlier pairs in complex network based on link structure and semantic relationship[J]. Expert Systems with Applications. 2017, 69: 40-49. (SCI, CCF C类期刊)

  • Jiayu Han, Wanli Zuo, Lu Liu, Yuanbo Xu, Tao Peng*. Building text classifiers using positive, unlabeled and "outdated' examples, Concurrency and Computation-Practice & Experience, 28(13): 3691-3706, SEP 10 2016. (SCI)(WOS:000382659400009)

  • 刘露,左万利,彭涛*. 异质网中基于张量表示的动态离群点检测方法. 计算机研究与发展, 53(8): 1729-1739, 2016.

  • Lin Guo, Wanli Zuo, Tao Peng, Binod Kumar Adhikari.Attribute-based edge bundling for visualizing social networks. Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 438: 48-55, NOV 15 2015. (SCI)(WOS:000360871200006)

  • Lin Guo, Wanli Zuo, Tao Peng. Inference network building and movements prediction based on analysis of induced dependencies. IET Software, 2017, 11(1): 12-17.

  • Lin Yue, Wanli Zuo, Tao Peng, Ying Wang, Xuming Han. A fuzzy Document Clustering Approach Based on Domain-Specified Ontology, Data & Knowledge Engineering, 100: 148-166, NOV 2015. (SCI)(WOS:000366536100009)

  • Tao Peng*, Lu Liu. Clustering-based Topical Web Crawling for Topic-specific Information Retrieval Guided by Incremental Classifier. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 25(1): 147-168. FEB 2015. (SCI)(WOS:000354763600008)

  • Lu Liu, Tao Peng*, Wanli Zuo. Topical Web Crawling for Domain-Specific Resource Discovery Enhanced by Selectively Using Link-Context. The International Arab Journal of Information Technology. 12(2): 196-204, March 2015. (SCI)(WOS:000351567700012)

  • Tao Peng, Lu Liu. Incremental Conceptual Hierarchical Text Clustering Using CFu-tree. Applied Soft Computing, Volume 27, 269-278, Feb 2015. (SCI) (WOS:000346856600023)

  • Lin Guo, Wanli Zuo, Tao Peng, Lin Yue. Text Matching and Categorization: Mining Implicit Semantic Knowledge from Tree-Shape Structures. MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING, No.723469, 2015. (SCI)(WOS:000362789000001)

  • Tao Peng, Lu Liu, Wanli Zuo. PU text classification enhanced by term frequency–inverse document frequency-improved weighting. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 26(3): 728-741, March 2014. (SCI) (WOS:000331020300006)

  • Tao Peng, Lu Liu. Focused Crawling Enhanced by CBP-SLC. Knowledge-Based Systems. 51:15-26, October 2013. (SCI) (WOS: 000324363700002)

  • Junhua Wang, Wanli Zuo*, Tao Peng. Hyponymy Graph Model for Word Semantic Similarity Measurement. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 24(1): 96-101, Jan 2015. (SCI) (WOS: 000347870300016)

  • Lu Liu, Tao Peng*. Clustering-based Method for Positive and Unlabeled Text Categorization Enhanced by Improved TFIDF. Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol.30, No.5, pp1463-1481. September 2014. (SCI)(WOS:000342328800010)

  • Lu Liu, Tao Peng*. Clustering-based topical web crawling using CFu-tree guided by link-context. Frontiers of Computer Science, 8(4): 581-595, August 2014. (SCI) (WOS: 000339817700004).

  • Lu Liu, Tao Peng*. Post-processing of Deep Web Information Extraction Based on Domain Ontology. Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, 13(4): 25-32, November 2013. (SCI) (WOS: 000331461300005)

  • 刘露,彭涛*,左万利,戴耀康. 一种基于聚类的PU主动文本分类方法. 软件学报, 24(11): 2571-2583, 2013. (EI: 20140117166608)

  • 国琳, 左万利, 彭涛. 基于隶属度的社会化网络重叠社区发现及动态集群演化分析,电子学报. Vol. 44 (3): 587-594, 2016.

  • 彭涛, 戴耀康, 朱枫彤, 张邦佐,刘露,闫昭,钱锋. 一种基于规则的非监督词性标注方法. 西汉姆联必威登录学报(理学版), 53(5):956-962,2015.

  • 王俊华, 左万利*, 彭涛. 面向文本的本体学习方法研究. 西汉姆联必威登录学报(工学版). 45(1): 236-244, 2015. (EI: 20150600488018)

  • Junhua Wang, Xianglin Zuo, Wanli Zuo, Tao Peng. Subjective Bayes Method for Word Semantic Similarity Measurement. IEEE 13th International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), Dallas, DEC 07-10, 2013. 2013 IEEE 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA MINING WORKSHOPS (ICDMW), IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, pp: 971-977, 2013. (EI: 20141617588843) (ISTP) (WOS:000343602800133)

  • Wanli Zuo, Jiayu Han, Lu Liu, Ying Wang and Tao Peng*. Incremental User Interest Mining based on Artificial Immune Algorithm. CCDM2014.